Eachstep Lockwood
Key Information
- 01484451669
- eachsteplockwood@parkhomesuk.co.uk
- Meltham Road, Lockwood, Huddersfield
- HD1 3XH
- 42
- Kirklees Council
Care Provided
- Care Home
- Dementia/Alzheimer's, Old Age/Elderly Care, Younger Adults
- Physiotherapy, Respite Care, Own GP if required, Palliative Care, Convalescent Care
CQC Rating
Situated in the heart of Lockwood next to the canal, Eachstep Lockwood has ties with all aspects of the local community. The Post Office, pharmacy, Village Hall, park and churches are all within easy reach, as are the dentist, opticians and public houses. The Home is easily accessible by public transport, and within easy access of the main railway line.
Lockwood is a beautiful rustic village and, located a mile from the city centre, is ideal for residents and families who have a requirement for convenient access. The Home is situated in extensive grounds consisting of lawned areas and a car park to the front.
As in keeping with a family home, all meals are cooked and prepared individually by our Chef, ensuring the food is wholesome and nutritious. Menus are prepared by the Chef and offer a choice at all times. All dietary needs will be catered for.
All fees will be calculated on an individual basis. Fees will be paid four weeks in advance and will be reviewed on a yearly interval. All aspects of nursing care, meals, personal laundry, hygiene services and local transport will be included within the fees.